Thursday, 21 May 2009

The Pigs Have Arrived!

Last weekend saw the long awaited arrival of Bacon and Sausage (the children named them, not me, honest!). Bacon is a Gloucester Old Spot pig and Sausage a Saddleback. Sausage is (almost) famous - his mother was one of Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall pigs that starred in his River Cottage programme on Channel 4 in his Bristol community project.

There were Peep Wars between the pigs and the sheep when Sausage & Bacon arrived, as our woolly friends thought it rather unfair that the pigs should get waitress service, when they had to use the self-service system. I thought they were going to jump over the rather low electric fencing and steal all the pigs food, but they bottled at the last minute. Now they just bleat and follow us down the field looking very hopeful every time we feed the pigs.

Talking of sausages and bacon, we don't sell any! But I know a really great farm shop that sells it online aptly named Pink Pig Farm. It is all homegrown, GM free, free-range pork from happy pigs!

We do have lots of piggy presents though - my favourite is a Pig Cuckoo Clock. A pig pops out every hour and oinks. The clever thing is when it goes dark, he goes quiet, so doesn't keep you awake all night. If you look at the product page on our website make sure you scroll to the bottom of the information and you can hear the noise he makes.

Must go, time to feed the pigs.


Thursday, 7 May 2009

Our First Blog!

Welcome to our very first Farm Toys Online blog! My name is Julia and for those who don't know us, we have a website which specialises in fun farm toys for children - so lots of tractors, horse things and other funky animal stuff.

Here at Farm Toys we have a fantastic view from our office over the Somerset countryside. We share it with 3 sheep and our very first 2 lambs ever, Rosie and Charlie; 6 chickens, which are laying an egg each every day (once you have tried home-grown eggs you will never eat a supermarket one again!) and Elsa, the rescue puppy. Elsa is 6 months old and into chewing everything! Doesn't she look angelic?

We are very excited about the imminent arrival of 2 piglets, already labelled Bacon and Sausage by the children. Hopefully they will get them this weekend.

Our chief buyers and testers are:

Emily, age 8, who specialises in horse stuff, although she is quite keen on the children's gardening stuff too, having just planted her own bit of flowerbed in our jungle. She is currently road-testing a new pair of supersoft, organic Little Munchkin Pony Pyjamas.

Oliver, age 6, who is great at choosing tractors and other "big boy" things. The only problem is if he sees a brochure he tends to tick everything!

Harry, age 2, is tractor and digger mad, which is just as well, as he can't say many other distinguishable words. He is chief tester for our Little Ride-on Tractors and our Bruder Tractors, which he loves! He can't quite understand why he isn't allowed to help himself to any of our products, whenever he likes. He is very keen to road test one of our sandpit wheelbarrows but so far only managed to make it to the office door before being rumbled.

So do visit our website and I will be returning regularly to update you on exciting goings on at Farm Toys Online - and of course on the progress of Bacon and Sausage.... watch this space!